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Will GBC have to repay £300,000 to developers?

On Thursday, members of the Corporate Governance and Standards committee debated a comprehensive report of Section 106 monies owing to local communities for mitigation for development in their area. This report has been produced largely at the request of GGG Cllr Susan Parker and others, including Parish member to the committee Julia Osborn from Send Parish Council.

The report reveals that GBC is at risk of paying nearly £300k back to developers, and that large contributions that have been obtained for Surrey County Council to spend on education facilities is ‘uncommitted’, meaning that it has not been assigned to any project so far.

Cllr Parker stated in the debate “This is the money that is owed to the people of Guildford for the inconvenience of development, and it should be spent”. Speaking as a Parish member, Julia Osborn, called for SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) and SAMM (Strategic Access Management and Monitoring) contributions to be included in future reports and for more joined- up governance to ensure the monies developers had committed towards new education facilities and infrastructure are allocated towards viable projects and do not remain an uncommitted spend.



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