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M25 Junction 10/A3 Wisley Improvement Works - Yet another Delay! 23 October 2021

The M25 junction 10/ A3 improvements were originally to be approved in January 2021, but were deferred until this November. A further postponement to May 2022 has just been announced. The current Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps will have the task of deciding, but it seems increasingly likely that funding for this project will NOT be forthcoming.

This surely puts the proposed development by Taylor Wimpey at Wisley Airfield in jeopardy. Policy A35 of the Strategic Development Framework for the Local Plan included this statement in relation to the Wisley site:

Requirements - Transport Strategy (1) Primary vehicular access to the site allocation will be via the A3 Ockham interchange (2) A through vehicular link is required between the A3 Ockham interchange and Old Lane (3) Other off-site highway works to mitigate the impacts of the development. This will include mitigation schemes to address issues: (a) on the A3 and M25 and at the M25 Junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange.....

Without proper infrastructure the deliverability, viability and sustainability of this and other strategic sites in the GBC Local Plan become increasingly questionable.

GGG has been calling for an immediate revision of the Local Plan, with development on brownfield sites such as the recently approved Weyside Urban Village. Our call is becoming ever more urgent!



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